Denver, Keep Fighting and Educating About CUFI
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Nov 16, 2010 at 08:47:09 AM EST
Following are video links and other resources used in my presentations given in Denver this past week about the dangers of partnering with CUFI.

The Colorado Allied Jewish Federation had scheduled John Hagee to speak at a major fundraiser in Denver on November 21, but there was an outcry from the local Jewish community and the invitation was withdrawn.  The backlash was immediate.  Articles accused those Jews who objected to Hagee's invitation as choosing support for progressive social values over support of Israel.  The head of the Houston Jewish Federation claimed that liberal Jews "would rather save spotted owls than stand tall for Israel."  David Brog, the Jewish executive of John Hagee's Christians United for Israel (CUFI) who promotes the organization to Jewish communities around the nation, is now scheduled to speak at the event in place of Hagee.  

I've just returned from Denver, where I spoke both publicly and privately, to Jews and Christians, about the many reasons why this partnership is dangerous to Jews and to Israel's prospects for peace, and a problem for healthy interfaith relations.  Following are some of the resources used in my presentations.

See the John Hagee & Christian Zionism special focus box, always visible in the left column of  

The following articles have numerous quotes from John Hagee and other CUFI leaders about end times prophecy, the peace process, demonization of Jews and Judaism, proselytizing, and more. Links:

From Hagee's Can America Survive:  Ten Prophetic Signs That We Are The Terminal Generation
Selected quotes from John Hagee's new book, released June 29, 2010.

Hagee in His Own Words, Part Two
Additional quotes from John Hagee on Israel, prophecy, feminism, environmentalism, Islam, the Roman Catholic Church and more.

Hagee vs. Hagee, In His Own Words
A compilation of Hagee quotes which counter his claims in an op-ed in the Jewish Daily Forward.

Hagee's "Hitler as hunter sent by God" quote:
Following is a video clip from "Jerusalem:  Countdown to Crisis" including Hagee's "Hitler as hunter" quote which resulted in the rejection of his endorsement by presidential candidate John McCain.  The sermon series was delivered in 2005.  A series of questions and answers about John Hagee and CUFI distributed by the Colorado Allied Federation states that the sermon was from 1999 and that Hagee "grappled with the vexing question of why a loving God would allow the Holocaust to occur."  A few minutes after this segment, Hagee talks about hurricanes Katrina and Rita (2005) and continues with his often repeated end times prophecy of an invasion of Israel during the Tribulation.  Hagee claims in his book Daniel to Doomsday that the primary purpose for the horrors of the Tribulation and the one-world rule of the Antichrist is to "bring Israel to the place where she will recognize Jesus Christ as Messiah."

God Sent Hitler ? from Bruce Wilson on Vimeo.

Hagee on "land for peace" or a two-state resolution.
Hagee spoke in 2006 at Jerry Falwell's Thomas Road Baptist Church declaring that Israel will "never, never, never" give up land for peace.

CUFI leaders on end times prophecy and humans helping to advance prophecy prerequisites:

This is a video compilation (8:48 minutes) that researcher Bruce Wilson compiled with several video clips and and other documentation from John Hagee and CUFI regional director Billye Brim. John Hagee Ministry magazine solicits donations under the title "Become a Part of Biblical Prophecy."

Glenn Beck interviewed Hagee in 2007 on the Antichrist, the end of world, and dividing Jerualem.

Advertisement for "Prophecy for the 21st Century"
This is an two minute ad for a sermon series including a sermon on Roman Catholicism in which Hagee graphically describes the destruction of the city of Rome and "Romanism" after providing a conspiracy-laden history of the Catholic church. He equates "Romanism" with the apostate church of the end times and with the "Whore of Babylon."